ISHIR spreads its wings into Casino Industry – completes an extremely successful year.

Jan 12006By any standards, Casino and AWP Markets are one of the most demanding domains in the gaming industry. But despite that, ISHIR has just completed a successful startup year, a year of which ISHIR is proud, and is able to point to a number of achievements that were accomplished during this tenure.

Among the most rewarding of the accomplishments was that the gaming world felt presence of ISHIR, big names and companies such as Atronic International, R.Franco, Unidesa, WMS, BellFruits and Octavian have begun business relationships with ISHIR. ISHIR has impressed the gaming world with its innovative game themes, high quality Graphic contents, robust math models and structured coding & game development approach. ISHIR’s ability to produce playable game simulations at very early stages in the game development lifecycle has been highly appreciated by the customers.

Other notable achievements include:

  • ISHIR has established its gaming customer base in U.S., Australia, U.K., Russia, Spain, Czech Republic and Florida
  • ISHIR has built up a pool of around 30 games/ concepts for various markets
  • ISHIR has setup a quality assurance team which helps develop the games on standards set by GLI

This Gaming unit is already making a healthy contribution to profits, and the next couple of years look extremely promising and exciting.

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