Ensure an outstanding mobile application user experience with ISHIR’s APM Testing Services

There is an ever increasing number of mobile applications, devices on which these applications are run and operating systems. The numbers are exploding so much that it is becoming a challenge for enterprises to resolve performance issues and ensure brilliant user experience.

In keeping with heightened users’ expectations, it is critical to perform pre-production and post-production performance testing on several network conditions. It is also recommended to test mobile response time and the possibility of degradations. ISHIR can help to optimize mobile application performance and monitor any blond-spots that can hamper user-experience. ISHIR offers a cloud-based APM solution to help ensure a high-quality mobile solution.

App Monitoring with ISHIR

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App Monitoring

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Superior End-User Experience

ISHIR’s APM Testing can help monitor the following operating systems.

Apache Cordova


  • Complete dashboard to monitor business KPIs and app features
  • Complete system level and service level monitoring
  • Business transaction focused monitoring and analytics
  • In-depth diagnostics for code level root cause analysis

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