
I had some free time from Mobile Application Development and was feeling alone too. Suddenly, a thought cropped up in my mind to learn something new pertaining to Mobile Development.


I started searching and found that Hybrid applications are in vogue. In a hybrid application, single code can run on multiple platforms. So, I started with PhoneGap.


PhoneGap is used for cross platform mobile development. Now, the question arises, “What is cross platform mobile development?”


Cross platform mobile development provides access to run single code on multiple platforms like iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile etc.


Now we come to the point i.e., “How can we create the Xcode project using PhoneGap?”
Using the below mentioned steps, one will be able to create the Xcode Project easily.

  • Download the latest PhoneGap release from
  • After extracting downloaded file, follow this i.e. lib – > iOS -> bin
  • Go to Finder and Search Terminal ( You can see the Terminal in your machine dock)
  • Drag and Drop bin folder to Terminal (path will show into Terminal.)
  • Press Enter
  • Now type command into Terminal for creating project on your machine location

.create ~/Desktop/Helloworld org.apache.Helloworld Helloworld
It will create your project on Desktop with Helloworld


  • Now move to Desktop -> Open project and Run your application.


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