Most of the Applications which were sequenced using AppV 5.0 SP2 failed due to prohibitory write permissions to Virtual File System (VFS). Later on, with the release of Hotfix 4 for AppV 5.0 SP2 it was noticed that one can have full write permissions to VFS.
Virtual File System: While sequencing an Application using AppV 5.0, you will get a window where you would be required to provide the PVAD [Primary Virtual Application Directory]. This is the location where all the Primary Assets of your Application will be copied. All the Files outside the PVAD will be considered as VFS.
How to get access to write to VFS?
There will be a checkbox available under the Advanced tab in the Package Editor [The one which you’ll get when you edit an .AppV Package] as shown in the Screenshot below. By default, this setting will be disabled. If you check this option, Package will gain Write Access to VFS Locations.
It is recommended to enable this setting in the appvt File, which will enable all the applications that you have sequenced using this Template.
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Ravi Pallapu
Disclaimer: Developer’s Corner Section of ISHIR blog is contributed and maintained by independent developers. The content herein is not necessarily validated by ISHIR.
Great read. I have bookmarked your blog too.