

Inbound Marketing sometimes become challenge because you need to cover all the specific skills like search engine optimization, social media, content writing, pay per click, email marketing and many more to achieve exponential growth in your marketing campaign.


Whether you are opening a new company or looking for options to revamp your marketing activities it is really important to have good inbound marketing plan to facilitate lead generation for the business.


Below guide will help you to place each and every activity for your Inbound Marketing Plan in its place.


1. Define and understand your customer: It is really important to understand your customer whom you want to market your product and services. In first phase, you need to identify type of your customers, for which they feel attracted and how they communicate. It will be helpful to plan marketing plan in right direction.


2. Identify Marketing Triggers: After identifying the type of customers. It is important to identify marketing trigger for your services or business. For e.g. suppose if any company is selling office furniture what would be its target audience? Office furniture’s are usually purchased by offices, which are expanding their company in some other location. So these types of offices are target market or audience of company who are selling office furniture.


3. Selecting Keywords for the website: Up to this point you have already found out who your customers are and what they are searching for. So, now you have to research what are the terms or words they use to search your services in any search engine like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Research some relevant keywords or combination of words which users use to search while looking for services similar to what you are providing.


4. Define your goals: To track the return on investment it is important to set some specific goals on the basis of which you can track the performance of your Marketing campaign. You can choose below mentioned pointers to measure the performance of the Inbound Marketing campaign.

  • Keyword Ranking
  • Monthly Unique Visitors
  • Goal Conversion
  • Sources of Traffic: PPC, Email, Blogging, Social Media


5. Make Content Strategy:



  • Top of funnel Awareness:  At the top level of funnel lead search for general information about the services.
  • Mid-level Evaluation level: In the Mid-level, lead evaluates information why to go for the business.
  • Bottom level Purchase: It is the final level and this level lead purchase the product or services you are offering.


6. Nurturing of Leads:  It is really important to nurture your leads. Many times leads reach to final step of funnel very fast. But, due to lack of information in some initial level and leads exits. To hold the lead it is very important to answer all the queries asked by lead. It helps to keep lead informed about the product and services.




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