
The first, second and third industrial revolution introduced steam power, electricity and digitization to the world. However, each industrial revolution brings a social, environmental, political and economic impact to the world. These changes have been defining for humans in every way.

fourth industrial revolution

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution will blur the line between digital, biological and physical domains. Digital progress will race ahead with next gen technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and nanotechnology. The 4th industrial revolution is a profound reality that will disrupt every industry and force people to adopt new skills to make themselves relevant and employable.

The terms Artificial Intelligence, Automation and robotics are intimidating the people, it’s time for enterprises to start investing in prepping them to adopt the 4th industrial revolution. New careers are emerging and there are a lot of people who’re feeling paralyzed with the pace of change. There are industries that will vanish due to the impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

What can enterprises do to prepare their workforce for this change?

Enterprises need to commit to constant learning. It will be the key reason for career sustainability of people. The time for Learning and Development (L&D) department to drive training is gone. People are working on self-identifying the areas that they need to up-skill and identify the resources they need to keep up with the pace of change.

There is an option to hire offshore resources who are trained on emerging technologies. They will be constantly updated, trained, experienced and cost-effective when they work as an extension of your team.

  • Evaluate the emerging technologies and understand the technologies that you can adopt

It might not be necessary for your enterprise to start panicking about every new technology that you hear. There are some industries that are adopting Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning faster than the others. Invest time to understand the emerging technologies that will benefit your enterprise and the investment required to adopt it.

  • Embrace a culture of learning

The 4th Industrial revolution makes it imperative for enterprises to adopt a culture where people are committed to continuous learning. There should be a focus on inter-departmental training and updates so that people don’t work in silos and understand how each of them works and how upcoming trends can help them propel ahead.

  • People to create their own learning and development path

Enterprises are ensuring that their professionals are open to identify learning opportunities and using the learning to draft their own career aspirations, goals and interests. Enterprises are empowering people to take charge and define their own learning and development paths.

The fourth industrial revolution will bring automated and advanced technologies to ensure that people have access to customized learning programs and are making progress.

How is ISHIR preparing its people for the fourth industrial revolution?

At ISHIR, continuous learning is not only one of the core values but something that the leadership consistently stresses upon. Resources for learning, training videos and eBooks is constantly shared with the people. Leadership stresses a lot on people investing in continuous learning before they become obsolete. The learning and development department defines the trainings based on the needs of the people and encourages them to train each other.

Our CEO, Rishi Khanna, encourages people to throw themselves freely whenever they have a new and bold idea. He inspires ISHIRites to get out of comfort zone and to make an impact. He suggests that people must have the courage to try new things without the fear of failure and must invest in new things to grow as a person and professionals. People are not reprimanded for making mistakes but to learn from them and grow to become better professionals and become more prepared for the future.

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