
Since the inception of computers and the internet, web technology is evolving everyday. But what actually is web technology?
In real-life scenarios, web technology enables you to reach many people at once and provide higher and faster communication, thereby bringing optimal automation. The true definition of a web technology is a mechanism by which computers communicate with each other and with the web servers with the aid of markup languages and multimedia packages. With the help of web technology, you can build a communication platform with different functionalities and utilities using programming languages.

Web Technologies can be categorized into the following categories:

  • Web Browser
  • Web Server
  • Web Pages
  • Web Development

Web development is the process of the building, creating, and maintaining of websites. Incorporating aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. Web Development can be further segregated into frontend and backend development.

What does Frontend and Backend Development mean?

Front-end development  or client-side is the side of a website or software that one can see and interact with as an user. Front-end coding languages allow the website to function without having to continually “communicate” with the Internet when the website information is transferred from a server to a browser. The code allows users to interact with a website and play videos, expand or minimize images, highlight text, and more.
Back-end development or server-side is the side of the website that users cannot see and interact with. It’s the digital infrastructure, and to non-developers, it looks like a bunch of numbers, letters, and symbols and It is used to store and arrange data.

There are tons of web development frameworks available in the market. It can be a challenging task for web-development companies to pick the web-development framework that fulfills their requirements. If you’re in a dilemma about which web development framework to select, we have a trick for you. Go for the framework that fits with your organizations’ goals and will also be convenient to maintain in the next five years. 

In this article, we have pinpointed 11 web-development technologies that will be on the top of their game in 2024. Also, below is our checklist to select the apt web-development framework for your company: 

  • Your framework should be easily adaptive and industry-specific 
  • The framework should be popular with a strong community support 
  • The framework must be high on demand in the existing job market 
  • You must not select a framework legacy framework 

Top 11 Web Development Technologies of 2024

1. Angular

Google created Angular after the failure of AngularJS, in 2016. Some of the common features of Angular include dirty checking, two-way data binding, etc. Also, you must know that Angular uses TypeScript as its key programming language. For the enterprises that are looking for robust innovation, Angular can be the apt web-development framework.  


  • Angular is an easy-to-use Client-side framework with a very sharp learning curve.
  • It is a completely secured Client-Side web framework with top features like DOM sanitation.
  • Angular helps the developers with different app development modes including Web, Mobile Web, and Native Desktop,  Native Mobile, and so on. 
  • Angular is extensively prevalent in the industry as it has been developed by Google. 

When Should you use Angular? 

  • If you have a development team which is having proper backend experience 
  • If you’re developing a complex but less interactive application
  • If an enterprise is planning to a particular framework for different platforms 

When should you not use Angular? 

  • Your development team is not much experienced in backend activities and frameworks 
  • For projects that require fast completion and speed is a critical metric 

2. React.js

The client-side frameworks based on JavaScript are currently creating a lot of buzzes. React is one such web-development framework that has gained enormous popularity as a JavaScript-based client-side framework. React’s features have made it a popular web development technology for enterprises and developers across the globe. 


  • React.js implements the View layer for UI. You can also use it for end-to-end application development.
  • React.js develops apps for all kinds of user interfaces, including Web, Mobile, Desktop, and Smart TV.
  • React offers top-notch server-side rendering with extraordinary SEO support.
  • Currently, React.js features are being tested with 2.7 billion Facebook users to keep up with the industry trends. 
  • React.js is one of the most innovative frameworks with some of the coolest features like one-way data binding and declarative programming.

When Should you use React.js? 

  • If your developers are experienced in JavaScript 
  • If you’re planning to create an application that is highly interactive 
  • If you’re all set to use the same framework for different platforms 

When should you not use Reactjs? 

  • The developers are not comfortable with JavaScript 
  • The development needs to be completed faster 
  • The platform you’re planning to build doesn’t need to be very interactive 

3. Vue.js

Evan You had developed Vue.js back in 2014. Vue.js, is a combination of the features of AngularJS (as View Layer) and React.js (as Virtual DOM). It is currently one of the most popular frameworks with very strong community support. 


  • Vue.js offers end-to-end application development functionality that is very similar to Angular along with external data flow and state management support.
  • Vue.js offers premium quality documentation with JavaScript-based frontend development.
  • Vue.js is possibly the best web development framework available for progressive web app development.
  • Vue.js offers two-way data binding with Virtual DOM and Event Sourcing features, much like Angular. 

When Should you use Vue.js? 

  • Large enterprises willing to create progressive web applications 
  • When the focus of the businesses are largely on SEO and overall performance 
  • When speedier development is a major requirement 

When should you not use Vue.js? 

  • If the organization is looking for the same web development framework for different platforms 

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4. Spring

The next name on our list is Spring. Spring was created back in 2002. Since then, Spring has gone through several rounds of development and it is one of the best choices for a Java-based framework. When it comes to making Java a relevant platform for cloud computing, there’s hardly any other framework as good as Spring. 


  • Spring is an enterprise-grade framework with a server-side rendering feature.
  • Spring is a highly innovative framework with features like Dependency Injection and Annotation.
  • Spring Web Framework supports Cloud Native development, Batch processing, and Event-driven application development.
  • Spring framework is specially designed for large-scale application development.
  • The framework provides everything for application development, including sophisticated security, multiple data sources, and cloud deployment.

When Should you use Spring? 

  • When you’re working on an enterprise software development project and JVM is the preferred language 
  • When you’re on your way to building a large scale application that is CPU-intensive 

When should you not use Spring? 

  • If you’re trying to develop a fundamental and simple software  
  • If you’re using serverless computing, Spring should not be your first choice 

5. Express.js

Express.js is a Server-Side, Model-View-Controller (MVC) Web Framework. TJ Holowaychuk created Express.js in 2010 as the first stable version. This is heavily influenced by the minimalistic Framework Sinatra and offers minimalistic functionality for lightweight software. 


  • Minimalistic, Server-Side rendered Web framework
  • Supports end-to-end application development with MVC pattern and View layer
  • Supports middleware as well as routing and templating
  • Highly mature, stable, and great performant

When should you use Express.js? 

  • If your web development team masters in JavaScript and aces Node.js based back-end development 
  • If serverless computing is your forte 

When should you not use Express.js? 

  • You’re planning to create a highly scalable application 

6. Flask 

Another minimalistic web development technologies on our list is Flask. Developed back in 2010 by Armin Ronacher, Flask is a micro-web Python-based framework. Since Python is currently a top-performing programing language worldwide, the popularity of Flask is increasing heavily. 


  • Flask is not an end-to-end web development framework 
  • Flask uses Jinja2 as its template engine and Werkzeug for HTTP handling purposes 
  • Flask is server-side rendered and a micro-web framework 

When should you use Flask? 

  • If you’re building a very basic application with the least numbers of features 
  • If you’re all set to use serverless computing 
  • If your app needs a Python integration 

When should you not use Flask? 

  • Large enterprises planning to develop complex applications 
  • The web development team has not mastered Python 

7. Ruby On Rails 

If you’ve heard about Ruby on Rails, you may also know about the disruptive features of this web development framework. David Heinemeier Hansson is the developer behind this modern framework that supports the Ruby programming language. 


  • Ruby on Rail is one of those rare web development frameworks that stress Convention over configuration. It also supports the MVC architecture. 
  • Ruby on Rail can be your go-to application toolkit with features like ORM, Middleware, Security, Coaching, etc. 
  • It is possibly the very first web development framework that extensively focuses on the user experiences of the developers. 

When should you use Ruby on Rails? 

  • If you’re looking for a high-speed development process 
  • The development team masters Ruby language or is willing to learn it 

When should you not use Ruby on Rails? 

  • If the development team doesn’t have experience in Ruby 
  • When you’re required to develop a scalable web development framework for a large enterprise 

Interesting Read: Escaping the IT Frankenstack

8. Laravel 

Laravel is a PHP-based development framework created in 2011. Taylor Otwell developed this framework that is a server-side framework and supports the MVC architecture. In fact, Laravel believes in the Ruby on Rails framework to a large extent and emphasizes the developers’ experience during app development. 


  • Laravel is an MVC supported framework that offers high-speed web development 
  • This end-to-end development framework comes with various features like Middleware, ORM, session management, etc. 
  • Laravel is simple to use and helps you with a swift web development process 
  • If you’re looking for a top-performing web application, Laravel is your best option. 

When should you use Laravel? 

  • In an enterprise set-up with complex applications 
  • In large scale companies demanding scalable applications 

When should you not use Laravel? 

  • If you’re looking for a fundamental and simplistic application 
  • You’re planning to operate in a serverless environment 
  • The developers are not experts in PHP 

9. Django 

Django was developed back in 2005 by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison. It is another Python-dependent framework on our list that is most comfortable with the MTV architectural pattern. In recent times, Python is becoming more and more popular. This is a major reason why Django is being used by lots of developers across the world. 


  • Django is a highly scalable, large-enterprise grade development framework that supports MTV architecture. 
  • The development velocity in Django is rapid 
  • Django is highly compatible with Python 

When should you use Laravel? 

  • In large scale organizations where the speed of any web-development process is a major aspect 
  • The development team has detailed knowledge of Python 

When should you not use Laravel? 

  • The developers are not familiar with the Python programming language 
  • The application on your agenda is basic and doesn’t need any advanced features 

10. ASP.NET Core 

Microsoft is one of those global technology brands that has been developing its products consistently by keeping up with the industry trends. ASP.NET Core is coming from the house of Microsoft and was released in 2016 with some of the latest features. This seamless and advanced web development framework is highly praised by developers across the world. 


  • It is an enterprise-grade framework supporting MVC architecture. 
  • ASP.NET Core can seamlessly run on multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, MacOS. 
  • ASP.NET is particularly suitable for large scale enterprises developing complex applications 

When should you use ASP.NET Core? 

  • If you’re developing a high-performing, CPU-intensive application, ASP.NET should be your first choice 
  • If you’re planning to build flexible and mature applications 

When should you not use ASP.NET Core? 

  • For simple applications, ASP.NET Core doesn’t work 
  • If the developers are not skilled in C# and F# 

11. Yii

Yii is a high-performance, open-source PHP web application framework that is designed for developing web applications with high traffic. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Yii Framework is very similar to, the framework can be a good choice in developing applications in quick time and follows the Rapid Application Development (RAD) concept.


  • Yii follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates the presentation layer from the business logic.
  • Yii provides built-in security features such as input validation and output filtering
  • Yii provides support for caching data in different storage mediums

When should you use Yii? 

  • Developing web applications that are expected to receive high traffic
  • Yii’s modular architecture and extensibility make it a good choice for developing large-scale web applications

When should you not use Yii? 

  • Yii provides a lot of built-in functionality, but this can make it difficult to customize certain aspects of your application.
  • Yii is not be the best choice for beginners who have no experience with PHP

Final Words

We have discussed the top 11 web development frameworks/technologies along with their pros and cons. Ultimately, it is up to your organization’s requirements and the skills of your developers that will be the primary criteria for selecting a web development framework. 

Do you have any questions regarding this? Let us know in the comments and we’ll get back. 


  1. Douglas Fuller says:

    Great insights shared on the various web development framework. Thanks for the post.

  2. James Taylor says:

    Thanks for sharing this informative blog. keep posting more…

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